Contents IndexThe SQL Remote Message Agent The Transaction Log utility

User's Guide
   Part VI. SQL Anywhere Reference
     Chapter 39. SQL Anywhere Components
      The Stop utility

The Stop utility stops a SQL Anywhere standalone engine, network server, or SQL Anywhere Client.

All memory used by the database engine is returned to the system for use by other applications.

The Stop utility is a command-line utility only. In Windowing environments, you can stop a database engine or server by clicking Close on the engine window or choosing Exit from the File menu on the server window.

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The DBSTOP command-line utility


     dbstop [switches] { name | CLIENT }

Windows 3.x syntax

     dbstopw [switches] { name | CLIENT }

Parameter Description
-q Quiet mode---do not print messages
-s"keyword=value; ..." Supply database connection parameters
-x Do not stop if there are active connections
name Engine or server name

In DOS, it is not necessary to specify a name, because only one database engine or client can be running.

In QNX, DBSTOP can shut down a server on any node on the network. The name is necessary to specify the name of the server you wish to stop.

The DBSTOP command is not necessary after the database engine has been started by ISQL. ISQL automatically unloads the database engine when it disconnects.

DBSTOP CLIENT stops the SQL Anywhere Client only.

  For more information about the command-line switches, see "Stop utility options".

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Stop utility options

-q Operate quietly. Do not print a message if the database was not running.

-s When stopping a database server, you must supply a connection string with a user ID that has permissions to stop the server or engine. By default, DBA permission is required on the database server, and all users can shut down a standalone engine, but the -gk switch on the engine or server can be used to change this.

  $    For a description of the connection parameters, see "Database connection parameters".To shut down a database server, the connection string must include an AGENT parameter in addition to the usual connection parameters. AGENT must be set to the value SERVER to shut down a server. A sample command line is:

     dbstop -s "uid=dba;pwd=sql;

-x Do not stop the engine if there are still active connections to the engine.

QNX switch

-p password Specify a password to unlock the server. If the server's keyboard is locked and no password is specified or the specified password is incorrect, then the server will not shut down.

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Contents IndexThe SQL Remote Message Agent The Transaction Log utility