Contents IndexALTER DBSPACE statement ALTER PUBLICATION statement

User's Guide
   Part VI. SQL Anywhere Reference
     Chapter 43. Watcom-SQL Statements
      ALTER PROCEDURE statement


To replace a procedure with a modified version. You must include the entire new procedure in the ALTER PROCEDURE statement, and reassign user permissions on the procedure.


     ALTER PROCEDURE [ owner.]procedure-name ( [ parameter , ... ] )
          ...    [ RESULT ( result-column , ... ) ]
          ...    [ ON EXCEPTION RESUME ]
          ...    compound-statement


               parameter_mode parameter-name data-type
          ...     [ DEFAULT expression ]
              | SQLCODE
              | SQLSTATE

              | OUT
              | INOUT

              column-name data-type




Must be the owner of the procedure or be DBA.

Side effects

Automatic commit.

See also


The ALTER PROCEDURE statement is identical in syntax to the CREATE PROCEDURE statement except for the first word. The ALTER PROCEDURE statement replaces the entire contents of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement with the contents of the ALTER PROCEDURE statement. Existing permissions on the procedure are maintained, and do not have to be reassigned. If a DROP PROCEDURE and CREATE PROCEDURE were carried out, execute permissions would have to be reassigned.

Contents IndexALTER DBSPACE statement ALTER PUBLICATION statement