Contents IndexCREATE INDEX statement CREATE PUBLICATION statement

User's Guide
   Part VI. SQL Anywhere Reference
     Chapter 43. Watcom-SQL Statements
      CREATE PROCEDURE statement


To create a new procedure in the database.


     CREATE PROCEDURE [ owner.]procedure-name ( [ parameter , ... ] )
          ...    {
              [ RESULT ( result-column , ... ) ] [ ON EXCEPTION RESUME ]
          ...     compound-statement
              | EXTERNAL NAME library-call


          parameter_mode parameter-name data-type [ DEFAULT expression ]
          | SQLCODE
          | SQLSTATE

          IN| OUT| INOUT

          column-name data-type

          '[operating-system:]function-name@library.dll; ...'

          | Windows3X
          | Windows95
          | WindowsNT
          | NetWare




Must have RESOURCE authority.

For external procedures, must have DBA authority.

Side effects

Automatic commit.

See also


The CREATE PROCEDURE statement creates (stores) a procedure in the database. A procedure can be created for another user by specifying a owner. A procedure is invoked with a CALL statement

  The body of a procedure consists of a compound statement. For information about compound statements, see "Compound statements".

Parameter names must conform to the rules for other database identifiers such as column names. They must be one of the types supported by SQL Anywhere (see "SQL Anywhere Data Types".), and must be prefixed by one of the keywords IN, OUT or INOUT. The keywords have the following meanings:

When procedures are executed using the CALL statement, not all parameters need to be specified. If a default value is provided in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement, missing parameters are assigned the default values. If no default value is supplied, the parameter is NULL. SQLSTATE and SQLCODE are special parameters that output the SQLSTATE or SQLCODE value when the procedure ends (they are OUT parameters). Whether or not a SQLSTATE and SQLCODE parameter is specified, the SQLSTATE and SQLCODE special constants can always be checked immediately after a procedure call to test the return status of the procedure. However, the SQLSTATE and SQLCODE special constant values are modified by the next SQL statement. Providing SQLSTATE or SQLCODE as procedure arguments allows the return code to be stored in a variable.

Result sets

A procedure that returns result sets ("Returning results from procedures") may have a RESULT clause. The parenthesized list following the RESULT keyword defines the number of result columns and name and type. This information is returned by the Embedded SQL DESCRIBE or by ODBC SQLDescribeColwhen a CALL statement is being described. Allowable data types are listed in "SQL Anywhere Data Types".

Some procedures can return different result sets, with different numbers of columns, depending on how they are executed. For example, the following procedure returns two columns under some circumstances, and one in others.

     CREATE PROCEDURE names( IN formal char(1))
         IF formal = 'n' THEN
             SELECT emp_fname
             FROM employee
             SELECT emp_lname,emp_fname
             FROM employee
         END IF

These variable result set procedures must be written without a RESULT clause, or in Transact-SQL. Their use is subject to the following limitations:

If your procedure does not return variable result sets, you should use a RESULT clause. The presence of this clause prevents ODBC and Open Client applications from re-describing the result set after a cursor is open.

External procedures

A procedure using the EXTERNAL NAME clause is a wrapper around a call to an external dynamic link library, and is called an external stored procedure. An external stored procedure can have no clauses other than the EXTERNAL NAME clause following the parameter list. For a description of external procedures, see "Calling external libraries from stored procedures".


Contents IndexCREATE INDEX statement CREATE PUBLICATION statement