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User's Guide
   Part VI. SQL Anywhere Reference
     Chapter 43. Watcom-SQL Statements
      LEAVE statement


Continue execution by leaving a compound statement or LOOP.


     LEAVE statement-label


Procedures, triggers, and batches.



Side effects


See also


The LEAVE statement is a control statement that allows you to leave a labeled compound statement or a labelled loop. Execution resumes at the first statement after the compound statement or loop.

The compound statement that is the body of a procedure or triggers has an implicit label that is the same as the name of the procedure or trigger.


The following fragment shows how the LEAVE statement is used to leave a loop.

     SET i = 1;
         INTO Counters ( number )
         VALUES ( i ) ;
         IF i >= 10 THEN
             LEAVE lbl ;
         END IF ;
         SET i = i + 1
     END LOOP lbl

The following example fragment uses LEAVE in a nested loop.

         SET i = 1;
             SET i = i + 1;
             IF i >= 10 THEN
                 LEAVE outer_loop
             END IF
         END LOOP inner_loop
     END LOOP outer_loop

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