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User's Guide
   Part VI. SQL Anywhere Reference
     Chapter 43. Watcom-SQL Statements
      MESSAGE statement


To display a message on the message window of the database engine or server.


     MESSAGE expression, ...


Procedures, triggers, and batches.


Must be connected to the database.

Side effects


See also


The MESSAGE statement displays an expression on the message window of the database engine or server (not on the client window). It is used primarily for debugging of procedures and triggers.

Valid expressions can include a constant, variable or function. However, queries are not permitted in the output of a Message statement even though the definition of an expression includes queries.


The following procedure displays a message on the engine message window:

     CREATE PROCEDURE message_test ()
     MESSAGE 'The current date and time: ', Now();

The statement

     CALL message_test()

displays the string The current date and time, and the current date and time, on the database engine message window.

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